In simulations of free enzymes, both CMY-30 and CMY-42 exhibited higher vibrations in the 210C213 area of the -loop, while the 205C208 segment was less motile than that of CMY-2 (Fig. constants showed that affinities between CMY-30 and CMY-42 and the R1 groups of BATSIs were lower than those of CMY-2. ES variants also exhibited decreased thermal stability either as apoenzymes or in covalent complexes with oximino compounds. MD simulations further supported ADX88178 destabilization of the ES variants. Val211Ser increased thermal factors of the -loop backbone atoms, as previously observed for CMY-30. The similar effects of the two substitutions seemed to be due to a less-constrained Tyr221 likely inducing concerted movement of elements at the edges of the active site (-loopCQ120 loopCR2 loop/H10 helix). This inner-protein movement, along with the wider R1 binding cleft, enabled intense vibrations of the ADX88178 covalently bound ceftazidime and ceftazidime-like BATSIs. Increased flexibility of the ES enzymes may assist the productive adaptation of the active site to the various geometries of the oximino substrates during the reaction (higher frequency of near-attack conformations). INTRODUCTION CMY-2-type cephalosporinases are widespread plasmidic class C -lactamases closely related to chromosomal AmpC of AmpC (AmpCMC100 (clones harboring pACYC184 derivatives encoding CMY-type enzymes under isogenic conditions was determined by the Etest (bioMrieux). Enzyme expression and purification. The pB-cmy-carrying strains overexpressing the CMYs were used for enzyme ADX88178 purification as previously described (6). Briefly, cells from overnight cultures in 3 liters of LB were harvested by centrifugation and resuspended in Tris-HCl (20 mM, pH 8.3). Periplasmic proteins were released by sonication. Cell lysates were clarified by centrifugation, concentrated by ultrafiltration, and loaded on Q-Sepharose columns (Bio-Rad). -Lactamase-containing effluents were subjected to buffer exchange by gel filtration (10DG desalting columns; Bio-Rad) and 20 mM NaPi (pH 7). Preparations were loaded on S-Sepharose, and the bound -lactamases were eluted with a 0 to 0.5 M NaCl gradient. Fractions exhibiting -lactamase activity (as determined by a nitrocefin assay) were pooled, dialyzed against 100 mM NaClC50 mM KPi (pH 7.0), and concentrated by ultrafiltration. The protein concentration was determined by the Bradford method. Purity of the enzyme preparations was higher than 95% as determined by SDS-PAGE. The yield of the CMY-30 enzyme was ADX88178 approximately 15% lower than those of CMY-2 and CMY-42. The exact masses of CMY-2, CMY-30, and CMY-42 were decided using matrix-assisted laser desorptionCionization time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry on an Autoflex mass spectrometer (Bruker Daltonics). Before injection, the samples were desalted by four cycles of concentration dilution in 5% acetonitrile (ACN)C0.1% trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) using Amicon centrifugal filters (3-kDa cutoff; Millipore). For spectrum acquisition, 1 l of each sample was spotted on a steel MALDI target, mixed (on target) with Matrix-II answer (0.8% a-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid in 50% ACN and 0.1% TFA; Sigma-Aldrich), and then allowed to dry. The decided molecular masses of the three enzymes differed slightly from the expected ones of the mature proteins (39,853.4 versus 39,854.6 Da for CMY-2, 39,804.2 versus 39,812.5 Da for CMY-30, and 39,843.8 versus 39,842.6 Da for CMY-42). Synthesis of boronic acid transition state inhibitors. The achiral boronic acid transition state analogues of CAZ and CTX, 1 and 3 (Fig. 1), respectively, were synthesized as previously described (15, 16). Enantioselective synthesis of the corresponding chiral boronic acid transition state analogues 2 and 4 (Fig. 1) was performed as described in the supplemental material. Open in a separate windows Fig 1 Thermal stabilities of CMY -lactamases in their free forms and in complexes with oximino compounds. (A) DSF melting curves of the free forms of CMY-2, CMY-30, and CMY-42. The melting heat (= values during these experiments. Inhibition studies. Inhibition constants (was 1,000 [values were decided using equations 2 and 3. Thermal stability experiments. The relative thermal stabilities of the three enzymes in their free and complex forms were estimated by measuring their melting temperatures (strains expressing the enzymes under isogenic conditions (Table 1). Table 1 Interactions of CMY-type cephalosporinases with compounds carrying oximino R1 side chains ()(?1 s?1)or ()(?1 s?1)or ()(?1 s?1)constants can be affected by hydrolysis rates of the ester..The emergence of CMY-30 and CMY-42 underscores the potential of one of the commonest plasmid-borne cephalosporinases, CMY-2, to significantly enhance its hydrolysis spectrum toward expanded-spectrum -lactams through single point mutations. the two substitutions seemed to be due to a less-constrained Tyr221 likely inducing concerted movement of elements at the edges of the active site (-loopCQ120 loopCR2 loop/H10 helix). This inner-protein movement, along with the wider R1 binding cleft, enabled intense vibrations of the covalently bound ceftazidime and ceftazidime-like BATSIs. Increased flexibility of the ES enzymes may assist the productive adaptation of the active site to the various geometries of the oximino substrates during the reaction (higher frequency of near-attack conformations). INTRODUCTION CMY-2-type cephalosporinases are widespread plasmidic class C -lactamases closely related to chromosomal AmpC of AmpC (AmpCMC100 (clones harboring pACYC184 derivatives encoding CMY-type enzymes under isogenic conditions was determined by the Etest (bioMrieux). Enzyme expression and purification. The pB-cmy-carrying strains overexpressing the CMYs were used for enzyme purification as previously described (6). Briefly, cells from overnight cultures in 3 liters of LB were harvested by centrifugation and resuspended in Tris-HCl (20 mM, pH 8.3). Periplasmic proteins were released by sonication. Cell lysates were clarified by centrifugation, concentrated by ultrafiltration, and loaded on Q-Sepharose columns (Bio-Rad). -Lactamase-containing effluents were subjected to buffer exchange by gel filtration (10DG desalting columns; Bio-Rad) and 20 mM NaPi (pH 7). Preparations were loaded on S-Sepharose, and the bound -lactamases were eluted with a 0 to 0.5 M NaCl gradient. Fractions exhibiting -lactamase activity (as determined by a nitrocefin assay) were pooled, dialyzed against 100 mM NaClC50 mM KPi (pH 7.0), and concentrated by ultrafiltration. The protein concentration was determined by the Bradford method. Purity of the enzyme preparations was higher than 95% as determined by SDS-PAGE. The yield of the CMY-30 enzyme was approximately 15% lower than those of CMY-2 and CMY-42. The exact masses of CMY-2, CMY-30, and CMY-42 were decided using matrix-assisted laser desorptionCionization time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry on an Autoflex mass spectrometer ADX88178 (Bruker Daltonics). Before injection, the samples were desalted by four cycles of concentration dilution in 5% acetonitrile (ACN)C0.1% trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) using Amicon centrifugal filters (3-kDa cutoff; Millipore). For spectrum acquisition, 1 l of each sample was spotted on a steel MALDI target, mixed (on target) with Matrix-II answer (0.8% a-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid in 50% ACN and 0.1% TFA; Sigma-Aldrich), and then allowed to dry. The decided molecular masses of the three enzymes differed slightly from the expected ones of the mature proteins (39,853.4 versus 39,854.6 Da for CMY-2, 39,804.2 versus 39,812.5 Da for CMY-30, and 39,843.8 versus 39,842.6 Da for CMY-42). Synthesis of boronic acid transition state inhibitors. The achiral boronic acid transition state analogues of CAZ and CTX, 1 and 3 (Fig. 1), respectively, were synthesized as previously described (15, 16). Enantioselective synthesis of the corresponding Hepacam2 chiral boronic acid transition state analogues 2 and 4 (Fig. 1) was performed as described in the supplemental material. Open in a separate windows Fig 1 Thermal stabilities of CMY -lactamases in their free forms and in complexes with oximino compounds. (A) DSF melting curves of the free forms of CMY-2, CMY-30, and CMY-42. The melting heat (= values during these experiments. Inhibition studies. Inhibition constants (was 1,000 [values were decided using equations 2 and 3. Thermal stability experiments. The relative thermal stabilities of the three enzymes in their free and complex forms were estimated by measuring their melting temperatures (strains expressing the enzymes under isogenic conditions (Table 1). Table 1 Interactions of CMY-type cephalosporinases with compounds carrying oximino R1 side chains ()(?1 s?1)or ()(?1 s?1)or ()(?1 s?1)constants can.

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