Category: Platelet Derived Growth Factor Receptors

Furthermore, in 2 baboons (B3907, “type”:”entrez-nucleotide”,”attrs”:”text”:”B18308″,”term_id”:”2316212″,”term_text”:”B18308″B18308) complement activity was eliminated by the administration of CVF (evidenced by the CH50 test, data not shown), and in 4 baboons the grafts were protected from complement activity by the over-expression of a human complement-regulatory protein (CD46), yet CC still developed

Furthermore, in 2 baboons (B3907, “type”:”entrez-nucleotide”,”attrs”:”text”:”B18308″,”term_id”:”2316212″,”term_text”:”B18308″B18308) complement activity was eliminated by the administration of CVF (evidenced by the CH50 test,…

Therefore, although attempts have been reported to separately detect SCCA1 and SCCA2, as these two isoforms have distinct biological functions [8], [9], we choose to use Clone FL-390 for the subsequent immunoblotting and IHC assays, because 1) Clone FL-390 offers better efficiency for both immunoblotting and IHC analysis; and 2) based on current medical studies, an assay realizing both SCCA1 and SCCA2 is recommended for ideal medical level of sensitivity [10]

Therefore, although attempts have been reported to separately detect SCCA1 and SCCA2, as these two isoforms have distinct biological functions…